Mental health training in the workplace: Effective ideas for success

Mental health training in the workplace can have a profound impact on creating a supportive workplace. Here are a few ideas to influence your decisions.


As competitive organisations inject more resources into their employee wellbeing efforts, mental health training in the workplace is becoming more prominent because workplace mental health training programmes help employee wellbeing when they are rooted in evidence-based approaches.

From stress and anxiety to burnout, the lack of mental wellbeing training in workplaces can have detrimental effects on both the individual and the company. 

valuing mental health in the workplace

Prioritising employee mental health through training can have multiple benefits. Improved mental wellbeing creates better engagement, job satisfaction, and productivity. Additionally, it effectively reduces turnover and absenteeism which can help businesses save valuable resources.

Looking past these benefits, the opportunity to create a workplace culture that encourages open and safe discussions on mental health can help overcome the stigma that surrounds it by promoting a supportive and inclusive workplace.

ideas for mental health training in the workplace

Training is a great way to make sure that everyone in the organisation is on the same page and when practised properly, it can help create a meaningful difference in any organisation.

Think about the common struggles your employees go through every day and focus on them to create training interventions that address them. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

conduct stress management workshops

Stress plays a large role in an employee’s mental health and providing training programmes that focus on stress management techniques can help reduce work-related stressors and empower employees.

Give your employees the tools they need to prioritise tasks, maintain a healthy work-life balance, and set realistic goals. Teach them strategies like mindfulness, time management skills, and deep breathing exercises that can contribute towards stress reduction.

Encourage them to prioritise self-care activities outside of work hours and create a healthy balance between their work life and personal life.

build resilience

An area of mental health training in the workplace that doesn’t get the recognition it deserves is resilience building. These workshops can be a great asset to help employees deal with adversity and challenges.

Teaching employees coping skills, such as practising self-compassion, reframing negative thoughts, and building a positive mindset, is all part of furthering emotional intelligence and developing the skills they need to bounce back from workplace setbacks.

have supportive leadership

It’s not just enough to provide mental health training for employees—it’s important that managers are also getting trained on how to create workplaces that are supportive and have the proper interventions in place to address mental health struggles.

Train managers on skills they need to possess for empathetic and open conversations with their employees. Employees today aren’t comfortable speaking about their mental health concerns due to fear of judgement or the stigma attached to it. Therefore, it’s up to managers and people leaders to set the tone.

Give managers the tools they need to have empathetic conversations, listen actively, and offer the right resources. Plus, they should also be trained to identify the signs of burnout and other mental health struggles employees may be facing to intervene at the right time.

encourage mindfulness and meditation

The effects of mindfulness and meditation are well-documented because they promote stress reduction, mental clarity, and overall wellbeing. Teach your employees simple but effective techniques that they can incorporate into their everyday lives.

Give them resources for guided meditations, apps, or online programmes to encourage mindfulness practices.

Final thoughts on mental health training in the workplace from Kinhub

Prioritising mental health isn’t just a moral imperative; it’s also an investment that you’re making in your organisation’s success. By recognising the importance of mental health in the workplace, employers can create a supportive and nurturing environment that benefits everyone.

The key thing to remember is that these training programmes shouldn’t be limited to employees. Managers and those in leadership positions should be able to create and sustain a supportive and non-judgemental atmosphere within the organisation too.

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