Build productive teams with proactive coaching

Kinhub is a people performance platform that upskills all your employees on subjects such as mental health, neurodiversity and the menopause to increase awareness and team cohesion.


Increase awareness to avoid HR issues

Kinhub enables personal and professional development with advanced coaching that’s usually reserved for the C-suite.

Control PMI costs
Proactive coaching reduces mental health issues needing reactive care, and time off for stress-related issues
Reduce legal risk
Upskill managers to work effectively with a diverse team with specialised coaching to increase awareness
Address skills shortages
Train your managers to be more aware, empathetic, and prepared for challenging conversations
Reduce employee churn
Helping people to be happier at work and at home increases engagement and belonging

People leads and HR directors love Kinhub

“We used to rely on referring staff struggling with personal issues to an occupational health psychologist, but Kinhub has been able to replace this, reducing our occupational health costs by £20,000 a year, whilst also offering more holistic support to keep our people on track.”

Hannah Atack, Chief People Officer at HSL

How kinhub benefits your business

For companies

Increase engagement & productivity

Studies show that engaged teams are more productive. Get real-time data on your team’s happiness and progress.

Reduce overall benefit spend

Kinhub covers many mental and financial wellbeing topics, so you don’t need to pay for multiple single-point HR solutions.

Prevent HR issues before they occur

Upskilling avoids conflicts due to lack of knowledge in subjects such as neurodiversity at work and conflict resolution.

For people

Improve mental health and resilience

Enable people to be the best version of themselves at work and at home with coaching for all life’s challenges.

Make time for leaders and HR teams

Less time spent on conflict resolution means more time to focus on completing projects and adding business value.

Build diverse & productive teams

Kinhub content is inclusive of all genders, ages, ethnicities, religions, and sexualities, raising awareness and aiding cohesion.

How Kinhub supports your people

Personalised coaching for every employee

Book a demo

When your people do well, your business does too

Kinhub increases productivity while reducing spend on private medical insurance

£56 bn

Is what it costs UK businesses every year in stress-related illnesses


Of people who leave a company do so because of unhealthy work-life boundaries.


organisations with highly- engaged employees experience 2.3x greater than average growth

Find out how the university of Exeter has been working with Kinhub to turn these statistics on their head

End to end care for each employee's
unique circumstances

Meet our expert team of coaches

When you sign-up to Kinhub, you give your people free, unlimited access to a dedicated team of specialists.

Live chat, video or in-person appointments
Smart user-coach matching
Guided 3-6 month coaching programmes

On hand for your team whenever they need guidance

View coaches

"Happy engaged teams with high levels of wellbeing make for better performing companies. Kinhub has moved quickly to solve a new need for businesses."

Craig from Google

"We've had some great feedback, our people love the support on offer from the Kinhub team."

Kathryn from J.P. Morgan

Explore  more resources

Get free access to our webinar recording and explore insights from our panel of industry experts about managing menopause in the workplace.

Download guide

Discrimination and implicit bias against Black people is still very much a reality in organisations and in order to embrace Black diversity, it’s important for employers to take strong action.

Download guide

Get free access to our webinar recording and explore insights from leading NHS, HR, and workplace wellbeing experts on how neurodiversity can help your people and business thrive.

Download guide
View all guides

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